venerdì 23 giugno 2023

 Divine signal

When I started the journey of this incredible and wonderful experience, I never imagined that later on it would become my great desire to translate it into a book. At the beginning, I never thought that this experience would become something so magical that it would be a shame not to share it through a book. It seemed to me that the story was wonderful enough not to share. Many times I thought- is that this seems taken from a novel!. I also thought that I could be of help and inspiration to many people and this was my main reason for later making the decision to start writing my story.

This remained in my heart for a long time until one day I decided to start what would later be difficult for me to finish. At the beginning my desire was very strong and something strongly impelled me to do it.

After a while maybe when I was about halfway through the book I put it aside for a while and concentrated on other things. I thought that maybe it wasn't that important or that maybe it was better if I did it later. I was also worried about the idea that I was wasting my time and that maybe nobody was going to read it. I knew that finishing this book meant many hours spent completely in body and soul. Total concentration was necessary without losing focus to be able to specify all the details. If I had started the book from the beginning it would have been easier but I started writing it a little late and this made things even more complicated because I had to remember the events in detail and chronologically. I didn't want any important details to be missed. I had to do a reset in my memory to remember songs, messages, dates and organize all the information to share it as soon as possible or at least the most important.

Every time I thought about continuing the book I lost the desire to continue. The effort required made me feel like it and I always made up an excuse to leave it for another time. Every once in a while that thought of finishing the book would come to my mind. Something told me that I should write it down and share it. I continued with that feeling for a while until there came a moment where I felt that I had to make a decision.

Finishing that book required a concentration that I was not willing to invest at the time. I had to make a drastic decision and ask from the depths of my being for an answer. I didn't want to waste my time doing something that wasn't my priority at the time.

For this reason I needed a sign that would confirm that I should finish that book.

It was a night that I asked God from the depths of my soul to enlighten me and give me a clear, direct and forceful signal that would not make me doubt that I had to finish this book.

While I was making this request at the same time I was thinking -this time I made it very difficult for him!- how is it going to be to give me such a strong, direct and forceful signal that makes me understand and without leaving me without any doubt that I should finish that book!

Days later I had completely forgotten about the matter until a very dear friend from India wrote to me via WhatsApp, leaving me totally surprised and open-mouthed with his message.

His message read like this:

-Hello my dear friend, when are you going to write your own book? I don't know but this comes from the bottom of my soul. "When she writes her book." "She must write something." “And I really want you to write a book and become the author of an inner book based on your life reality or something that can connect with people's feelings and their hearts.”

-You have intellectual mind, pure heart and good observation. In the future I must read your handwritten book that I predicted today.

At the beginning, when I read her message, I did not immediately realize that she was responding to the request that she had made days before because she had forgotten it. But seconds later I was totally amazed at how direct this message has been. The message had been answered exactly as I requested. I still remember my words

"I need a clear, direct and forceful message that leaves me in no doubt that I have to finish this book." My friend's message had removed all my doubts and more than that it has left me totally surprised and speechless. My friend had no idea that he was writing a book, let alone its content. The content of my book deals with exactly what my friend has mentioned to me. In order for the answer to be even clearer and more forceful, God not only limited himself to confirming that I should finish the book. He also mentioned the content that the book should have, coinciding perfectly with the content of the book he was writing.-It couldn't be more direct and forceful than this!

Even writing these lines I can't get over my astonishment at this exact and direct answer.

“Ask with faith and you will receive an answer”

I immediately understood that this book was important and I had to continue putting all my effort and effort to be able to finish it on time because it seemed to me that I had already wasted a lot of time and the time to finish it had arrived.

I knew that it was not going to be easy due to the complexity of the events and the information that was gradually being provided to me. Being able to place it chronologically was going to be difficult but I was going to do my best to make the result as similar as possible.

I started to dedicate all my free time completely to this book in body, mind and soul. I was ready to share my story with the world.

In this way I begin to tell the most incredible and beautiful story of my entire life.

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