smoking is a mental problem
For many this might sound a bit shocking because when we talk about mental problems, a person who is crazy and needs to go to the psychiatrist immediately comes to mind.
But actually mental problems go beyond the madness of a person.
A mental problem is one that manifests itself when the individual is not able to control his mind.
The origin of being classified as a mental problem arises from the fact that your mind is responsible for selecting the thoughts that motivate you to continue with that negative habit.
The mind prepares the environment and the necessary words that will be the protagonists of producing that emotion of constant and incessant desire for the cigarette.
Observe carefully your mind and the thoughts that your mind gives you when you take the cigarette in hand.
The first thing your brain exposes to you is a thought like "I have a desire to smoke"
The problem arises when you focus all your attention on that thought. The more you think about this thought, the more the desire intensifies . The more energy and attention you give to that thought, the stronger your desire will be.
Therefore this desire is generated by your thought and that thought is generated by your mind and it is for this reason that it is called a mental problem because it is your mind that is producing that thought for you and that thought is the one that is generating that thought for you. desire.
You could easily get rid of that desire if you start to control your mind and change the idea of "I have a desire to smoke" for a totally opposite thought like
"I have no desire to smoke."
So you can make a selective list of thoughts that are against smoking and put them all in your mind and give it all the strength and energy. For example
I hate smoking
smoking gives me bad breath
Smoking makes me very stinky
smoking is inelegant
Smoking is a rather unpleasant act
smoking destroys my health
smoking can give me cancer
Smoking affects my quality of life and health
smoking shortens my life
Smoking makes me a stinky person
Smoking is a pretty disgusting act
Smoking is not for smart people
Smoking is not for classy people
I don't want to be a stinky person.
I don't want to damage my lungs
I don't want to harm my body
I don't want to damage my skin
I don't want to destroy my health
smoking is poison
Smoking is really gross and I don't want to be gross.
I'm embarrassed to blow stinky smoke out of my mouth.
I am embarrassed when people see me smoke.
I'm ashamed to be a rolling chimney.
I am embarrassed when people walk away from me because of my bad smell.
I am embarrassed when people look at me with an angry face because of my unpleasant smell.
I'm embarrassed to blow smoke out of my mouth.
I can assure you that when the thought of the desire to add comes to you, you decide to change that thought of desire for some of this list, it can assure you that your desire to smoke will change drastically.
This happens due to the simple fact that you are giving all your attention and all your energy to thoughts that are against smoking, therefore your body will respond and react to said thoughts and consequently you will generate a feeling of rejection or displeasure towards smoking. smoke. If you give all your energy and attention to the thoughts of rejecting smoking, automatically the thoughts of the desire to smoke will have to die because in order to survive they need your energy and your attention and if you don't give it to them they will die.
The individual easily falls into the trap of his mind and his own thoughts.
" Your thoughts govern your desires"
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